— Kaushal ModiCollection of PlantUML snippets that I find useful.
Class with tree-structure in body #
class Foo {
|_ prop
|_ **Bom(Model)**
|_ prop2
|_ prop3
|_ prop3.1
|_ prop4
Figure 1: Class with tree structure in body
Class Composition #
Diagram to represent a class containing children classes.
class h-entry << (H,white) >> {
Post Entry
""<div class="h-entry">..</div>""
class p-name << (P,orchid) >> {
Title of the post
""<h1 class="p-name">..</h1>""
class u-url << (U,#7EC0EE) >> {
Permalink of the post
""<a href=".." class="u-url">..</a>""
class u-syndication << (U,#7EC0EE) >> {
Link where the post is syndicated
""<a href=".." class="u-syndication" rel="syndication">..</a>""
class dt-published << (D,green) >> {
Publish date of the post
Go Date/time format: "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700"
""<time datetime=".." class="dt-published">..</time>""
class p-summary << (P,orchid) >> {
Summary/description of the post
""<div class="p-summary">..</div>""
class u-author << (U,#7EC0EE) >> {
Post author
""<a href="HOMEPAGE" class="u-author">..</a>""
class e-content << (E,red) >> {
Post content
""<div class="e-content">..</div>""
class p-category << (P,orchid) >> {
Tag, category, series name
""<a href="TAGPAGE" class="p-category">TAG</a>""
"p-name" -up-* "h-entry"
"u-url" -up-* "h-entry"
"u-syndication" -left-* "h-entry"
"h-entry" *-right- "p-summary"
"h-entry" *-right- "u-author"
"h-entry" *-down- "dt-published"
"h-entry" *-down- "e-content"
"h-entry" *-down- "p-category"
Figure 2: The h-entry
object is shown to contain all other objects shown in the diagram
Reference #
Nested boxes #
I’d like to document the nested HTML tags for my web page, and represent them as a diagram with nested blocks.
While searching for an existing representation like that online, I came across this.
Is there a way to draw something like the nested blocks in the center of that figure using PlantUML?
rectangle "<html>, <body>, etc." as a {
rectangle "<div>..." as b #antiquewhite {
rectangle "<video>...\n\n\n" as c
Figure 3: Depicting nesting of objects in PlantUML
Forcing vertical ordering of rectangles #
Trying to nest rectangles within rectangles will give this:
rectangle a {
rectangle b
rectangle c
rectangle d
Figure 4: Nested rectangles showing up in arbitrary horizontal/vertical arrangement
To force the vertical order and alignment of rectangles, use
hidden arrows (b -[hidden]-> c
Note that this is a hack, and must not be abused.
rectangle a {
rectangle b
rectangle c
rectangle d
b -[hidden]-> c
c -[hidden]-> d
Figure 5: Forcing the nested rectangles to show up in vertical order using -[hidden]->
Simple Flowchart #
Activity Diagram #
(*) -> "First Activity"
-> "Second Activity"
-> "Third Activity"
Figure 6: Simple Flowchart 1
I’d like to have the above diagram without that “start” dot. But if I remove it, it generates a sequence diagram:
"First Activity" -> "Second Activity"
-> "Third Activity"
Figure 7: Sequence Diagram
Activity Diagram – Beta #
The activity diagram beta syntax does almost what I want — a horizontal flow chart — just that it is vertical. The good thing is that the “start” dot can be omitted using this syntax.
:First Activity;
:Second Activity;
:Third Activity;
Figure 8: Simple Flowchart 2
Hyperlinked SVGs #
skinparam svgLinkTarget _parent
:[[ PlantUML Homepage]];
Figure 9: An inlined SVG with hyperlink
For the hyperlinks in SVGs to work, the SVGs need to be inlined, and
not embedded in the <img>
HTML tags — Reference.
Salt #
Salt is a subproject included in PlantUML that can be useful to create graphical interface mockups.
The Salt syntax is wrapped inside @startsalt
and @endsalt
<Salt syntax here>
- Reference
Tab Bar #
A tab bar is added using the {/ .. }
notation and each tab is
separate using the |
The Creole markup for formatting works inside Slat syntax too.
{/ <b>General | <back:orange>Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
Figure 10: A tab bar example