Cleaning up ${GOPATH}/pkg/
— Kaushal ModiUse go clean -modcache
to clean up all the old auto-downloaded Go
modules in ${GOPATH}/pkg/
. That’s all you need to know. Rest of the
post gives just the history of how I got there.
As I mentioned in the post description above, the solution to clean up
the auto-populated ${GOPATH}/pkg/
is to run go clean -modcache
. While the solution is simple, it wasn’t easy for me to
discover, and so I am writing this short piece to make it a bit more
discoverable for others like me.
directory #
environment variable lists places to look for Go code.
If you haven’t set this variable and if the ${HOME}/go/
isn’t used to contain the Go distribution, $GOPATH
defaults to that
When you run go get
to install any Go package,
gets populated with all the Go module dependencies,- .. and all package’s executables if any get installed to
I think that if the user has set the $GOMODCACHE
variable, that directory would get populated with Go module downloads
instead. But for my use, I am sticking with only the $GOPATH
To confirm the value of GOPATH
used by Go, see go env | rg GOPATH
The disk space issue #
I have been happily installing and building Go apps like Hugo using
go get
or go build
, and all these installations would end up in
. But over time, I noticed that the disk space used by
just kept on creeping up.
Today I happened to notice that this directory was taking up roughly 4 GB of my disk space! I started analyzing why it was taking up so much space using my favorite tool for this purpose – ncdu.
Here’s a snapshot showing disk usage by one of the sub-directories
under ${GOPATH}/pkg/
, which shows the problem — Over time, I had
accumulated multiple versions of multiple packages!
Figure 1: Snapshot of ncdu showing disk usage for a ${GOPATH}/pkg/
Write-protected ${GOPATH}/pkg/
I identified the problem. And I knew that I just needed to delete all the old packages.
But Go wouldn’t allow deleting those pkg/
I had been searching a solution to this on and off, but didn’t have
much success, mainly attributed to the short and generic name of the
“Go” language, and the fact that I didn’t know what the
directory was called.
Cleaning up “modcache” #
Today, I finally had success when I searched for this magic phrase: golang “cannot remove” “pkg/mod” .. and Golang Issues # 27161 was the first search result!
The solution was so simple, but so difficult to look for ..
go clean -modcache
or the Go modcacheFrom that issue, I also learned that the ${GOPATH}/pkg/
directory is
the default “modcache” or the cache directory for holding all the
installed Go modules.
Wrapping up #
Knowing that the stuff I was trying to delete is called modcache, this of course works ..
go help clean | rg modcache -A 2
go help
The issue referenced above gets resolved when a -modcacherw
gets added to the go build
command. I see that switch when I run
go help build
. But that switch is not available for go get
.. because I don’t see it when I run go help get
I don’t understand why Go decided to make this so complicated by taking away the write access from the user who installed the Go package!
At least go clean -modcache
accomplishes what I want .. sigh